I'm A Coach, Counselor or Guardian

    Personality & Behavior Testing for Counsel Providers

  • To truly help those you provide care for is to truly understand them. The ABContrast aims to make this easier with personality testing for counsel providers. This testing offers a clearer picture of the entire person and the struggles they are facing. Start now or contact us today to learn more about our personality testing for counsel providers, including life coaches, counselors, psychologists, guardians, and more.
  • So, you're here for someone else? GREAT! We can help you while you help them!
    • You may be a life coach, therapist, counselor or guardian - and you want a little more insight into the amazing people you're helping.
    • Let us show you the real them - let's find out TOGETHER who they really are and WHY they're amazing :)
    • Help them FIND THEMSELVES through the Authentic Behavior Contrast - TODAY!
    • With the PROVIDER premium content, we offer the highest value ABSOLUTE Plan. You need to see the full picture of their COMMUNICATED INFLUENCES.
    • You'll purchase access on their behalf. We send you, the PROVIDER, access codes and instructions that you distribute to your counselee and they take it from there.
    • We've made it simple for you to decide who gets their results report: just you, just them OR both of you - then you can integrate their results into future sessions.
    • You also get to choose if you would like Comparison reports (a handy tool to show people different perspectives) and we also offer Anonymous Comparisons.
    • ~ Their Communication styles will be identified, and the results of their communications will substantially improve - WITHIN them, FROM them & TO them ~
    • ~ Their Influence styles will be discovered, and they'll better understand how influence works - FROM them & TO them ~
    • ~ Relationships will be much more enjoyable through their understanding of boundaries and the many other perspectives - THEY WANT THIS ~
    • ~ Teamwork will be improved such that amazing positive effect will become commonplace - THEY NEED THIS ~

    • If you’re a life coach, counselor, psychologist, or guardian, the Authentic Behavior Contrast is exactly what you’re looking for. Now is the time: begin below or reach out to Team ABContrast about our personality testing for counsel providers and how it elevates the effectiveness of your counsel plans for your clients.

~ Learn how YOUR communicated influences affect relationships & teamwork! Everything from the Communication, Influence, Relationship & Teamwork Plans is part of this ABSOLUTE Plan - all 6 areas! ~



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